Mental Clarity Coaching is a life strategizing service that prioritizes personal, professional and product development. Not only is the concentration on single mothers, underdeveloped men, misguided youth or lost entrepreneurs but the person behind these titles. The main objective is to help evolve the individual, so that they can flourish in their gifts and capitalize on every opportunity that’s available to them.
“My career is very time consuming. There is little time available to focus on growth and development. Reg words of wisdom gave me the right push at the right moment to make a difficult transition in my career. He understood what I wanted to work on and tailored his techniques to fit my particular situation.”
Victoria Scott
Neurology Research Assistant
“Reg has helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life. He provided me with clarity of life, options of stability and what I would call a friend through it all. Reg has helped me understand the challenges of life and I would recommend anyone to obtain him as a coach for whatever you need. Big or small.”
Alex Greenwood
Billing Supervisor
"I found Reg when I was l nearly at the end of my rope and on the verge of giving up on it all. I’m glad to have rediscovered my inner strength and developed a supportive community through Reggie’s support, transparency, and commitment to helping real people push through. Through his program I’ve found a coach, a friend, and my best-self."
Atiya Bloom
Mental Clarity Coaching focuses on 3 areas:
PerSonal Development \ Professional Development \ Product Development
Joe's Testimony from Mental Clarity Coaching
You need the personal development section of Mental Clarity Coaching if:
You don’t know why you’re here and what your purpose in the world is
You’re going through a difficult time in your life and need practical and sensible solutions
You have a vision of yourself but need actionable guidance to obtain it
You need the professional development section of Mental Clarity Coaching if:
You need structure and focus to help with your career path
You need help defining your legacy and what people will remember you for
You need tailored solutions to figuring out what your brand, niche and target audience is
You need the product development section of Mental Clarity Coaching if:
You’re too busy to focus on developing new innovative products but still want to reap the benefits
You hit a plateau in your business and need a resurgence of ideas
You need help generating sales to keep your business up and running
" A benefit of being coached by Reg is transparency. He gives you the constructive feedback that you may not want to hear but need to hear. "
Jabril Hart
Project Manager
Benefits Of Mental Clarity Coaching
Financial freedom
MCC reduces stress about your finances so that you can have the time and flexibility to do the things you want to do like take more vacations or spend more time with family.
peace of mind
MCC alleviates the depression and anxiety that sets in when you're trying to figure out life, so that you can live worry free.
MCC provides you with the fulfillment you need so that you can have goals to look forward to everyday and leave a legacy for the generations that come after you.